The Patriarchy's spokesperson, Vasile Bănescu, stated that the appointment of Archbishop Tomis, Metropolitan Teodosie, in the ongoing case investigated by DNA is "striking and upsetting," and that "the appearance of a new charge against the Archbishop is concerning." Bănescu clarified that the Romanian Patriarchy, along with the judicial authorities, is fully invested in uncovering any possible acts of corruption. He further explained that the Patriarchy's stance is that of promoting the truth, and stated that they are hopeful that the authorities will eventually uncover the truth. He also mentioned that the Church cannot force anyone, but it recommends maintaining a moral attitude in such situations. The Patriarchy's position is against concealing the truth, and the Holy Synod can issue recommendations to Archbishop Tomis regarding this case. Bănescu pointed out that there are sanctions in the Church's statute for proven guilt, but they have not dealt with such a case before. Archbishop Tomis, His Eminence Teodosie, was summoned to the National Anticorruption Directorate's headquarters in Constanța for questioning in the influence-peddling case, with his lawyer, Adrian Cuculis, claiming that the only evidence in the case is a publicly leaked recording and that it is an attempt to discredit Archbishop Teodosie. Teodosie left the DNA headquarters after only an hour, stating that there was no substance to the case. The lawyer mentioned that they will request the recording to be removed from the case, as it was obtained illegally.
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